Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Stereo Vinyl Skateboard adventure

Littie recently bought a Stereo Vinyl skateboard off of Amazon and has since been learning how to use it. These were taken the day after she got it and she was feeling more comfortable with it. We've never really been allowed to own skateboards as they aren't "girl" toys and the danger they presented was more than the fun they could provide. However Littie invested what seems to be a minor fortune into a fun board that isn't for doing anything scary, just for cruising on. 

 I've been attempting to use the manual setting on my camera after I found this post. The photos are a bit washed out as the sky was very cloudy but I like the way they look. I've always shot on aperture mode so this is a pretty big step up. 

This is a very accurate picture as to how my skateboarding career has gone. Too much coordination for me!

Too bad these aren't in focus! Littie takes pictures and that's it so I never know what to expect. That truck is a very nice truck, isn't it. Focus point was way off. 

Not long after these photos were taken I had a mighty fall. I was going too fast (not my intention!) and I couldn't stop so I promptly lost my balance and fell back. I had my camera around my neck and my biggest fear was it falling on the asphalt, not me! It was kind of cool because I fell back pretty fast but the camera falling was like slomo. Littie grabbed the camera strap as I fell so it wouldn't hit the ground. Yay!

I'm pretty proud of this picture. The lighting and everything is just right and I love how the colors pop. 

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