Friday, October 11, 2013

Wrecking Ball-Miley or God?

Unless you've been living with no interaction with the world it's pretty much impossible to not know about Miley Cyrus and her recent antics. This post isn't about how far she's come from her roots and what a horrible person she has become because there are posts from seemingly everybody about those aspects of her. Rather I want to write about how she is just like all of us and even has given all of us a great picture of God's love for us.

Hannah Montana came out right when I a preteen but I wasn't allowed to watch it which of course didn't stop me. I watched it with friends and knew all of the songs by heart right up to the end of the show. Miley was that perfect person who had everything including Jesus apparently. She made mistakes and chose a different direction in music than I wanted to listen to. I applauded her for getting engaged and staying with one man for a few years rather than bouncing from guy to guy and while I didn't approve of her lifestyle choice she was still a role model in some aspects. When We Can't Stop was released I chose not to listen to it due things I had heard about within the song. I was fortunate enough not to watch the VMA's but was still subjected to her antics from the news and facebook for days on end. But now I'm looking at her a bit differently.

After her engagement ended I decided that there was nothing good left in Miley Cyrus and wished I could block her out completely. Until I read about when she sang Wrecking Ball in a concert. To hear about her breaking down as she sang a song documenting the end of her relationship with Liam made me look at the song. I heard it on the radio and immediately I felt for Miley. I grieved for her and can't listen to the song without thinking of the feelings the song displays for us all to hear. And besides the thoughts that pop up with that song now I was shown that there is another way to look at it as well.

While the chorus is heartbreaking coming from Miley it's a huge message of love and redemption coming from God. It's the perfect picture of the human and God relationship here on earth. We sin and fall away from God and often blame it on Him while he constantly showers us with love we can't even begin to understand. Jami Nato, the instagrammer above and who inspired me to write this, attached to the photo Romans 8:38. "For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.". 

And this brings me to another instagrammer, Melissa Lyons who creates art and lives here in San Antonio, who has been writing mini blog posts with pictures about how people who aren't Christians write things that fit so well with God's message to us. She used Mumford and Sons for her example but Wrecking Ball is another example that I think sums up God's love in a way that is shocking coming from an unbeliever. I remember in Trusting God by Jerry Bridges it said that God uses sin to further His message. He hates that sin but He is able to use the sin to reach other people or to convict the sinner. 

This is something I've been mulling over recently and ended up getting the push I needed from different people to put it all together so it makes sense. 

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